Contents of Dime Magazine - NO66 2011

Dime is the premier basketball magazine, covering the NBA, NCAA, High School, Playground and International basketball - as well as sneakers, fashion and music.

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This is my biggest piece, and I was definitely a little nervous getting it because of the size. This tat is my favorite because it's hard to see what it says, so it almost looks like a big design. I wanted the word "believe" on me somewhere, but wasn't sure where for a while. I thought about having it on my hand so that I can see it all the time. But obviously in the end I chose my side, which was extremely painful by the way. I chose "believe" for a lot of different reasons, but mainly because I believe in myself, in God, in love, in freedom, and lots of other things.
This was my first tat. It's actually one I designed. I got it in New York when I was 18. "Amor Verus" means "Love and Truth" in Latin, while the treble clef represents music. These three things – love, truth and music – are very impor- tant to me. I chose Latin because it's something different.
I got this in college with two of my best friends. We wanted something like a friendship circle, and this is what the tat- too artist came up with. I joke with people because it looks like I have a hurricane on my wrist. (laughs) All three of us got the same thing with our own little touch on it. Since all of my tats are black I stuck with that, but my friends got theirs in different colors.